

How can one tiny amino acid do SO much for you? L-lysine supports your structural system as it helps form proteins and collagen. It also supports the immune system and contributes to metabolic balance.

  • Supports the structural system
  • Helps immune system function
  • Supports metabolic homeostasis
  • 450 mg l-lysine per serving

Availability: 3 in stock

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Why L-lysine? 

The exceptional quality of Korean-made lysine is recognized throughout the region. Our l-lysine hydrochloride is manufactured in South Korea using fermentation technology. It is non-GMO certified and free from animal, vegetable or mineral content. It is also non-synthetic, and botKosher and Halal-certified.

The Story behind L-lysine. In 1889, German biochemist Edmund Drechsel isolated lysine from casein protein in milk. He named it lysin. Thirteen years later, Emil Fischer, who went on to win a Nobel Prize for Chemistry, and Fritz Weigert were able to determine the chemical structure of lysine. Over the years, as the benefits of lysine have become more apparent, this vital amino acid has been seen in a greater variety of foods and supplements.



Take 1 capsule with a meal three times daily.

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